These terms and conditions apply when a backordered domain name has been registered on our tag, but has not been paid for.
All domain names are registered with our Registrant details to ensure a speedy and reliable service. This also means that all domain names are registered by Backorder Ltd and ownership remains with Backorder Ltd until payment is received in full and a Registrant transfer has taken place.
Payment reminder notifications are sent on a weekly basis to the email address you used when registering for our service. You are also reminded when logging in to your account if you have an outstanding payment.
If our payment reminder notifications have gone un-actioned, we reserve the right to remove any or all domain names from your account that remain on our tag, whether paid for or otherwise. This is to allow us to resell these domain names in order to recoup losses outlaid in paying domain name registration fees and any other resources required in order to provide our service.
We will do this without notice, no sooner than 7 calendar days after the domain name was successfully caught.
Once a domain name has been removed from your account, there is no guarantee that the domain name can be reinstated, nor that the domain name will be available again for purchase at any point in the future.
Your account will be flagged with a pre-pay status, meaning that if we remove domain names from your account due to non-payment, we reserve the right to require payment before allowing domain names to be backordered again. This will be communicated when you log in, and also when trying to place a backorder if you do not have any payment credits.
Upon successfully winning an auction, you have 48 hours to complete payment. Failure to complete the transaction within this timeframe may result in the domain name being offered to the next highest bidder, and your account suspended.
If you have any issues completing a transaction, contact us as soon as possible to avoid account suspension, and losing the domain name.